March 8, 2025
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August 6th , All of my Tom Green Sound WAV's are back! enjoy

Tom Green - Early Exposure

Brand new DVD/Video from Tom Green and Friends. Contains Tom Green pranks never before seen, dating back to Tom's years on public access cable in Ottawa. I've purchased this video and I think this video is easily the funniest DVD/video Tom Green has produced.

The following is an email sent to Tom Green Is a God:

Gidday from Ottawa, eh!

In the Ottawa Sun, there is a regular column Mon. to Fri. entitled "Page 6" written by a real moron by the name of Susan Sherring. She has totally sh*t on Tom in the past and received a ton of e-mails telling her she is just a mindless twit. On the weekend just past, Tom and Drew were in Ottawa to relax and visit his folks. It's tough to escape the local media because let's face it, Tom is huge here and people want to see Drew as well. So Tom brings Drew out of the house and has her dressed up like an alien with tinfoil covering her head and hands and she's holding a Pizza-Pizza box. Funny picture.
So the moron (Sue) writes, "I just don't get it. Don't much care to get it." At the same time she pleads, "(And please, please, please, all you Green fanatical fans-don't bombard me with e-mails over this little item)."
Well, I think we should bombard her. I've already left a message in her voice mail and I'm going to e-mail her now. I will avoid vulgarity but feel compelled to point out to her that she's an idiot. This column appears in todays Ottawa Sun (Thurs., Aug. 9). For some reason she really doesn't like Tom. I wanted to post on as many message boards as possible to bombard her but all I found were Yahoo clubs and I don't have a password or whatever. Maybe you could help in the friendly assault?

Susan Sherring - phone (613) 739-5125
- e-mail

Thanks for any help in shutting this dumb broad up.


What do you think about Tom marrying Drew Barrymore?

They're the perfect couple.
She's a nice catch, but I think he could have done better.
Drew's hot, Tom's not, how did he get so lucky?
Monica Lewinsky would have been a better bride than Drew.

8-06-01 The sounds are back!
7-09-01 Tripod deleted all of the sounds, sorry.
Added 98 new sounds clips, over 40 megs of sounds, enjoy!
6-05-01 Added 3 new wallpapers
Added a Freddy Got Fingered Winamp Skin
Added 12 new picture galleries

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